
The members of the 公司县 EDC Board of Directors are appointed by the 公司县 Commission and represent various areas throughout the county.

Gary Nysveen,主席,西斯波罗代表

Gary Nysveen represents the City of 西斯波罗 on the TCEDC Board of Directors. 他在纽约州卡明斯农村的家庭农场长大.D.他和妻子朱迪(Judy)目前居住在美国. In 2005, Gary and Judy opened 西斯波罗 Cooling Heating Refrigeration, which later became Envirotech. Gary received a certificate in heating and cooling Service and HVAC layout and design from North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton. 他在暖通空调方面拥有超过35年的经验. He is a certificate member and past president of both the Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (Red River Chapter – Fargo) and the Upper Midwest Regional Association of Refrigeration Service Engineers Society. He is a former president of the 西斯波罗 Business Association and a member of the 西斯波罗 经济发展 Corporation. He also is a deacon at Norway Lutheran Church and a longtime supporter of the North Dakota Special Olympics. He is a graduate of 西斯波罗 Public School, where he was involved in sports, FFA and 4-H. He enjoys golfing, fishing and watching high school and North Dakota college sports. 他和朱迪有三个女儿和三个孙子孙女. 他们在农场里饲养各种各样的动物,包括牛. 与Gary联系 (701) 430-1003 or hchr@rrv.网.

Scott Hovde,副主席,波特兰代表

Scott Hovde is a Loan Officer with The Goose River Bank in Mayville and also farms west of Portland. 他于2011年被任命为TCEDC成员. 特拉尔县本地人, 斯科特在波特兰的一个农场长大, 毕业于MayPort-CG高中. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in ag systems management and a Master’s in agribusiness and applied economics, 都来自NDSU. 他之前在n.n的格拉夫顿当过银行家.D.在回到波特兰生活之前. Scott enjoys sporting events and outdoor activities and is a member of E本ezer Lutheran Brethren Church. 斯科特和他的妻子梅根住在波特兰.


Sarah was appointed to the 公司县 EDC Board of Directors in January 2020. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in ag systems management with a minor in plant sciences and music, 获得土壤学硕士学位. 她和她的丈夫, 杰森, 和儿子, 阿克塞尔, 我住在希尔斯伯勒, 她在哪里当农艺师, 独立作物顾问和农民. 萨拉也和希尔斯伯勒·基瓦尼斯有关系, 北达科他州农业研究和教育委员会, the North Dakota Certified Crop Advisor Board and the 公司县 Farm Bureau. 她在业余时间喜欢音乐.


萝珊 Phipps is the representative for the City of Hatton on the TCEDC board, 2012年加入TCEDC. 罗克珊在纽敦长大.D. and earned her Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Minot (N.D.美国州立大学. 她已婚,有两个孩子,住在哈顿, 在哈顿艾尔森公立学校担任业务经理. 她的丈夫在美国服役期间,她曾与他一起旅行.S. 空军和经验丰富的生活在朴茨茅斯,n.n.H.,亚速尔岛,葡萄牙,山之家,爱达荷州和大福克斯(北.D.)空军基地. 在搬迁期间,她在不同的实体工作. 罗克珊在圣. 约翰. 路德教会宣教基金委员会. Her hobbies include golfing, scrapbooking and spending time with her family. 你可以通过电话联系她 萝珊.Phipps@k12.nd.us.


Ben Hershey is the Associate VP of Weather 服务 Operations for Iteris, Inc. 位于大福克斯. 他自2015年起担任TCEDC董事会成员. Ben is from the Minneapolis area and moved to Grand Forks in 2000 to pursue a degree in atmospheric sciences from the University of North Dakota. He completed his undergraduate work in 2004 and continued on to receive his Master’s in atmospheric sciences from UND in 2007. Ben currently resides in 巴克斯顿 with his wife and children and is an active member within the community. 他目前是巴克斯顿改进集团(BIG)的总裁。, assistant fire chief for the 巴克斯顿 Fire Department and serves as a community member on the CTE Advisory Committee at Central Valley School. 你可以通过电话联系他 本.hershey81@gmail.com.


Kurt Elliott of Blanchard represents District 2 on the 公司县 Commission, 他在那里担任副主席. Kurt is a graduate of Clifford-Galesburg High School and later received his Bachelor of Science degree in ag economics from North Dakota State University. Aside from serving on the 公司县 EDC board of directors and the county commission, he also serves on the board of directors for AgCountry Farm Credit 服务, 阿加西湖区域发展和追踪联合集团. 他和妻子谢丽尔(Cheryl)在布兰查德附近耕种和饲养牲畜. 他们有三个孩子——蔡斯、达尼和利瓦伊——还有一个孙子布里杰. 在业余时间, Kurt enjoys spending time with his cattle, his friends and his grandson.


Ken Nesvig of rural 巴克斯顿 represents the 公司县 Commission on the TCEDC board. 他代表第三区, 由以下乡镇组成-贝尔蒙特, 宾汉, 巴克斯顿, 加勒多尼亚, 埃尔多拉多, 欧文, Herberg, 西斯波罗, 斯塔万格, Wold; all of 巴克斯顿 City; and all that part of Reynolds City located in 公司县. 你可以通过电话联系他 肯.nesvig@co.公司.nd.us.


Cassie is a native of Mayville and is a graduate of May-Port CG High School. She has eight years of real estate experience with five of them being broker/owner. She lives in rural Mayville and is passionate about promoting positive community and economic growth in our small towns.


大卫Knudsvig, a farmer and rancher from rural 巴克斯顿 was appointed to the board starting in January of 2020. He received his Bachelor’s degree in secondary education and industrial technology from the University of North Dakota, and says he’s glad to be in 公司县 because it’s a great place to live. 大卫在这个地区非常活跃, 在联合谷公司董事会任职, 中央谷学校董事会, 巴克斯顿消防局和特拉尔县土壤委员会, 同时也是巴克斯顿镇的监督员. 他的妻子, 艾丽卡, 是美国联合航空公司的一名空姐,这对夫妇有一个女儿, 艾莉, 他是中央谷学校的二年级学生,还是个儿子, 杰克, 谁是中央谷的七年级学生. 在业余时间, 大卫喜欢务农和放牧, golf and helping others with their projects – except the ones his wife wants done. 你可以在 dksgcowboy@gmail.com.

Dr. 布莱恩·范·霍恩,主任,梅维尔州立大学代表

Dr. Brian Horn was appointed to represent Mayville State University on the TCEDC Board of Directors in January 2020. 布赖恩于7月1日成为梅维尔州立大学的校长, 2018, previously serving as the associate provost and dean at 穆雷 State University, 穆雷, Ky. 来自农村的人, 他了解在满足关键劳动力需求方面所面临的挑战. 他是伊利诺伊州本顿的本地人., Brian graduated from Benton Consolidated High School before beginning college at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 他在那里打棒球. 然后他转到默里州立大学, where he earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Public Administration. He later earned a doctorate degree in leadership and policy studies from the University of Memphis. Brian lives on a farm outside of Mayville and has two children, Will and Ella.